Life after incarceration: CBS2 tracking progress of women who have spent time in NYC’s prison system.
Author: David Johnston
HousingPlus’ 3rd Fitness event was a big success!
Our 87 participants totaled over 3 million steps and raised $44,500 for women and families! Congratulations to our winners L+M Development Partners (most team steps), Maricela Ayala (most individual steps), and Gammon Enterprises (most footprints).
HousingPlus has NYC’s two highest-scoring supportive housing programs
In April 2023, the NYC Continuum of Care released their final scores for Department of Housing and Urban Development funded programs on the NYCCoC annual performance evaluation. Our final scores are 99.5% and 98.1%, the two highest-scoring supportive housing programs out of 163 programs in NYC!
SHERO’s Liberty House moves to a new location
Nine participants in our SHERO program moved into newly renovated and fully-furnished transitional housing. One such participant said while she has been in a lot of shelters, this is the first place that looked like a home and made her feel valued.
The Lowe’s Hometowns project is complete!
Our community room is now ADA-accessible. We are excited to begin hosting tenant gatherings, meetings, and more this spring.
Good Person Award Recipient Rev Anne Bovian
Rev Anne Bovian talks about her experience working with women in the criminal justice system
Good Person Award Recipient Rita Zimmer part 2
Rita Zimmer talks with those who helped start HousingPlus programs through the years
Good Person Award Recipient Rita Zimmer part 1
Rita Zimmer takes a trip down memory lane of some of HousingPlus’ earliest sites
20th Anniversary
Our 20th Anniversary was a huge success. Follow the link to read more about our Honorees and the evening’s events.