HousingPlus is a supportive housing organization that embraces the Housing First model. This means that we keep barriers to entry low to ensure that those in need are able to access housing. We believe that a safe and stable home is the starting point for addressing other issues (such as getting a job or attending to substance abuse issues). Building on the stable housing that we provide, we offer a range of supportive services to help participants address other life issues and work toward their own goals. Participation in these programs is not required to secure or maintain housing; however, by offering person-centered services that are sensitive to the diversity of experiences of our program participants, we find that many do participate and make profound changes. We believe that this approach is critical to achieving personal stability.
What is a Housing First Approach?
HousingPlus prides itself on taking a Housing First approach and indeed on being an early adopter of the approach. The Housing First approach prioritizes providing housing and ending homelessness over addressing other issues, arguing that such efforts are more likely to be successful where individuals have a stable home from which to engage.
What Makes Housing First Distinct?
Some assistance programs require people to graduate from a series of services or programs before accessing housing and/or mandate participation in supportive programs. While this is intended to support participants, too often it can result in practice in people losing access to assistance. Housing First programs prevent participants from falling through the cracks by keeping the barriers to housing low.
These programs encourage, but do not require, engagement with supportive services. The rationale for this is two-fold. First, people are more likely to be successful in addressing other life challenges if they have the stability that a home offers. Second, supportive programs are more likely to be successful where the individual chooses to engage, rather than feeling forced to do so. The model emphasizes tenant choice, allowing them to create their own goals and to chose how and when to engage with supportive services.
How can Housing First be Applied?
HousingPlus applies the Housing First approach throughout all of our programs. We focus on approaching each person on an individual basis, meeting them where they are and prioritizing housing before working to encourage participation in other supportive services. However, in our transitional housing program, this approach is taken within a shorter term framework designed to stabilize individuals, assess long term needs and make appropriate placements on that basis. In our rapid rehousing program services are offered for a two year period intended to support re-entry. Our permanent supportive housing programs are designed for individuals with long term needs and offered on an open-ended basis.
In all cases, although participant choice is highlighted, it is supported with structured programs in which many tenants do choose to participate.